Dialogue Question: Contribution to Society

Some people spend their whole lives “giving back” to society…even people who have never taken from society.

  • Do you feel it is necessary for everyone to give back and/ or contribute to society?
  • Why/ Why not?
  • What do you contribute? And why?

(I have done a good amount of community work. I felt it was key in my life and important for me. But I never thought that everyone had to. Although it would be nice and I think the world would be a better / happier place.)

What are your thoughts?

Until Next Time~
Blessings, Kate

13 thoughts on “Dialogue Question: Contribution to Society

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  1. I served in the Air Force for almost 8 years. It was because I wanted to. What I’ve come to learn is when you go to other countries and come back to the US you appreciate it a little more. No I do not think volunteering and things like that should be required. However I do think parents should encourage their kids to volunteer. It does build character.

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    1. First let me say, from the bottom of my heart– THANK YOU for YOUR service to our country to keep us safe!!! I truly appreciate you and what you did for us! My grandpa was Army WWI. Because of him I honor and value all our service people.
      Secondly, I agree with what you wrote– requiring volunteer work would make it not a volunteer effort. It is easiest to get into our way of life if we begin at a young age.


  2. Aside from the requirements to: 1 do unto the least as Jesus defined it, 2 to do good for every person, 3 to consider others more worthy than ourself, 4 to do justice-love mercy-walk humbly with God, 5 to die to oneself, 6 to obey those in positions of authority over us, 7 for Jesus’ disciples together being salt and light in this dark world, I can’t off-hand think of more important reasons to be involved with our community. But if one is not a born of God disciple of Jesus the Christ, the myopic self-centered philosophy and lifestyle is most natural. Hence the reason to be supernatural by faith, and only God’s children get that opportunity.
    To be self-absorbed is a fatal logical premise for any who claim the Name of Jesus. And I’m not saying that because it is my own judgment or interpretation that such is the case.
    We also must do everything we can for those who are in our sphere of influence, for Paul writes as Holy Spirit impressed upon him that those who do not provide for their own households are worse than heretics.
    My wife and I have been impoverished since 2008, although we’ve never had a combined income in 23 years of marriage over $30K. Her disability, my stroke, my heart attack and surgery, and more have allowed us to live below the USA poverty level for one person (for the two of us). We’ve given away resources to the needy, a car to a single mother, a camping trailer to a single dad, an RV to a unemployable disabled person, a power scooter to a dying neighbor, a manual wheelchair to a crippled gang-banger whose mother was our neighbor, food-clothing-cook ware to homeless or those barely scraping by… aside from shelter and encouragement to three homeless folks over the past 5 years… etc. We gave because we had the resource and didn’t require it for our use but someone else did. We are not building up brownie points, or getting forgiveness, etc. we do so because it is who we are.
    Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself. These are the greatest of the commandments.
    I didn’t say that, Jesus affirmed it himself.
    Thanks for the reflections and question. I look forward to read more dialogue in this thread.

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    1. Whether or not it is natural for a new Christian to think of others more highly than themselves– eventually that is the paradigm the Holy Spirit will move them into. It should become a natural part of who they are. That is the supernatural course of a follower– a disciple. Many believe but few follow.
      We do not hold a monopoly on good deeds however. And all people– I believe– deep down inside have an inkling to care about others. Every small act is a contribution to society.
      Thank you for your wonderful cmments as always. I too look forward to more dialogue.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’d do feel like everyone should volunteer and help in some way. For people who have nothing, it helps them meet new people, make connections that can help them, and appreciate the little they do have while working to better themselves. For the people who have a good amount, it’s a way or appreciating what they have achieved and sharing their appreciation with others. Society is better when we all work together. A great example of this is the story, “The Same Kind of Different As Me”. When we step into another person’s world and help them, our own life can change in intangible ways that are priceless.

    My children and I have volunteered and will always do so because it is how society achieves more. We all rise together.

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