A very low day…with action came hope

I am highly sensitive. I interpret everything negative. I am weepy, no desire to eat on my very empty stomach, just want to go back to bed.

When times like this hit, everything I know about combating depression goes out of my mind. I am unfocused to find the articles I have written that contain tips to assist in feeling better.

Finally after staring at the walls and floors for over an hour or more, the thought came to me to try some worship. So I found a playlist I have and turned it on. At first all I could do was listen. Then a couple songs into it I began to sing along. In short time, I had an inspiration to begin to work on a project I have been putting off.

I worked on one page. Then the next. I did about 12 pages and then felt inspired to take a walk out in the sun. I didn’t go far but I did stop at the library to change my scenery.

Opening my devotions I have written, I came across this one:

Romans 8:26  Also, the Spirit helps us.  We are very weak but the Spirit helps us with our weakness.  We do not know how to pray as we should.  But the Spirit himself speaks to God for us, even begs God for us.  The Spirit speaks to God with deep feelings that words cannot explain.

We are NEVER alone.  God has given us a spirit of power and love (2 Timothy 1:7). That Spirit and power take on our neediness and go to God on our behalf.  Don’t know where to even start when praying right now?  No problem: the Holy Spirit’s got you.  In your deepest pit God’s love is so BIG that He has made provision to even pray for us when we can’t pray for ourselves.  The Passion Translation says “For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for.”

I like this ICB version when it says “The Spirit speaks to God with deep feelings that words cannot explain.” Other versions say “with emotional sighs too deep for words” and “with groaning that cannot be expressed in words.” With these last two translations I have literally heard, with my ears, people open their mouths and groan and make noises to assist the Holy Spirit to speak to God.  We don’t need to do that.  We can just ask.  Ask that the Holy Spirit go to the Father on our behalf and then be thankful (in faith) that it has been done.  And it would be nice if you (and me) would then worship a bit in gratitude.  Worship is hard to do when we are in a negative mood but worship is easier sometimes than knowing how to pray for our own best interest. 

Today ask the Spirit to pray on your behalf.  In your weakness, God’s strength shines in all His glorious power- just waiting to see you through to the other side.

Prayer and worship–

I did not come completely out of my funk…but I am much better off than before.

Until Next Time~ Blessings, Kate

6 thoughts on “A very low day…with action came hope

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  1. Thanks for your post. It is hard for me often to realize I’m in a pit until suddenly I realize I’m up to my neck in it. That’s one reason why I’m glad God knows our hearts, even if we think our hearts condemn us.

    It has given me courage to know that Holy Spirit interprets all of our prayers, not just mine. hahaha The point is that none of us know how to pray as we ought to do. Jesus gave us an example and we turned it into a rote creedal statement that we can recite without thinking about it. Not that I have a problem with the model prayer Jesus gave his disciples, at their request, but Jesus didn’t say “say these exact words as they appear in the KJV”, nor any of the languages used after the original aramaic and koine greek NT Scripture.

    You nailed it. Thanks for continuing to be real as a witness to the real power of God and resource for those who are born of God.


    1. Gregory~ Thank you so very much for your share and your insights.
      I agree with you, models are examples not something to mindlessly repeat as if the words themselves have special power when our hearts are empty.
      Have a blessed day!


  2. Worship music brings an awareness of our Father being near. At the same time, the Spirit moves through the lyrics and melody. Praying for you Kate. May God’s goodness reach out to you, calm your heart, and strengthen you.

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